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To integrate Pushwoosh into your Marmalade application you need to do simple following steps:

1. Grab the Marmalade Pushwoosh s3e extension from https://github.com/Pushwoosh/pushwoosh-marmalade/tree/master/s3ePushWoosh

2. Include the extension in your mkb file by adding s3ePushWoosh subproject: subproject ../s3ePushWoosh

3. Add the following push notifications callbacks in your code:

int32 OnPushRegistered(char* token, void* userData) { //TODO: handle push notifications registration token here return 0; } int32 OnPushReceived(char* text, void* userData) { //TODO: handle push notifications here //push notifications comes as JSON string payload: return 0; } int32 OnPushRegisterError(char* error, void* userData) { //TODO: handle push registration error here return 0; }
**4.** In your main function add:
Do not forget to put your correct Pushwoosh App ID instead of ENTER_YOUR_PUSHWOOSH_APP_ID_HERE!
if (s3ePushWooshNotificationsAvailable()) { s3ePushWooshRegister(S3E_PUSHWOOSH_REGISTRATION_SUCCEEDED, (s3eCallback)&OnPushRegistered, 0); s3ePushWooshRegister(S3E_PUSHWOOSH_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, (s3eCallback)&OnPushReceived, 0); s3ePushWooshRegister(S3E_PUSHWOOSH_REGISTRATION_ERROR, (s3eCallback)&OnPushRegisterError, 0); s3ePushWooshNotificationRegister(“ENTER_YOUR_PUSHWOOSH_APP_ID_HERE”); }
Make sure you have enabled **ID_CAP_PUSH_NOTIFICATION** capability in your project.
That’s it! How easy is that?