**Download plugin

With Push notifications plugin for WordPress you can send push notifications when you publish or update a post or a page.


  1. Download the pushwoosh plugin

  2. Unzip and upload to your plugins directory (“/wp-content/plugins/” is default)


Configure the plugin on the settings page in your WordPress admin dashboard:

  1. Set your Pushwoosh Application Code form your

  2. Copy-paste your Remote API authorization token from your Pushwoosh Control Panel

Pushwoosh WordPress plugin settings

That’s it, now you are all set!

Using the plugin

To send notifications to your users upon publishing a post, just make input the message text in the “Message field” and make sure that the “Send a push notification when the post is updated” in is checked.

Pushwoosh WordPress plugin

**Note:** make sure you specified the push title in the “Safari Title” field, otherwise your Safari subscribers will not be able to receive the notitifcation.

The plugin automatically uses a shortened URL in the ?p=12345 format instead of a placeholder you set in Safari Configuration section in Pushwoosh. Thus, in your Safari settings you should specify the URL Template and placeholder as http://youwebsite.com/%@, so that the resulting URL will be http://youwebsite.com/?p=12345

Special thanks to Rafael Fischmann for his help with testing and debugging the plugin.