Pushwoosh Outsystems plugin client actions

A list of client actions available

The Plugin provides a set of client actions to facilitate push notification management. These actions allow you to register and unregister devices, set and get tags, manage inbox messages, and more.

Pushwoosh Plugin client actions


Validates if the Pushwoosh plugin is currently available.

Output Parameters

Usage example


Registers a device for push notifications and retrieves a Push Token.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Unregisters a device from receiving push notifications.

Output Parameters


Retrieves the device ID, which should be a unique identifier.

Output Parameters


Gets the Device Type (Android, iOS, or Windows).

Output Parameters


Fetches tags data from Pushwoosh.

Output Parameters

Usage example

  1. Invoke the GetTags action to fetch the tags data from Pushwoosh.

  2. The returned tags are accessible via the GetTags.Tags list.

  1. Use the LogMessage action to log each tag's key and value.


Sends a message to Pushwoosh when a particular event in your application happens.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

Usage example

1. Assign

Set up key-value pairs to define the data for the event. For instance, KeyValue1.AttributeName as "test1" and KeyValue1.Value as "test1value". Similarly, define KeyValue2 with the appropriate attribute name and value.

2. Create lists of attributes to be associated with the event.

  1. Finally, configure the PostEvent action.


Sets the application icon badge number.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Sets custom application language instead of the default system language.

Input Parameters


Sends tags and their values to Pushwoosh.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

Usage example

  1. Assign tag values. In the example below, there are two tags:

  • Tag1 with a name testTag and its value set to the current date.

  • Tag2 with a name testTag2 and its value set to True.

2. Then, append tags to a list. In this example:

  • ListAppend3 adds Tag1 to the LocalTag list.

  • ListAppend4 adds Tag2 to the LocalTag list.

3. After populating the list with the necessary tags, use the SetTags client action to send this list to Pushwoosh.


Assigns a custom User ID to this device.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

Pushwoosh Inbox Client Actions

The process of working with Inbox is the following:

  1. Load a list of InboxMessage objects.

  2. Use these objects to render the inbox view.

  3. Perform the actions listed below, or delete these objects using the actions described below.


Fetches inbox notifications from Pushwoosh.

Output Parameters


Marks the inbox message as read.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Performs action for specified inbox messages (e.g., open URL in a browser).

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Removes a message from inbox.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Returns the total number of inbox messages.

Output Parameters


Returns the number of unread inbox messages.

Output Parameters


Returns the number of inbox messages with no action performed.

Output Parameters

Last updated