Level up your marketing campaign personalization by sending automated emails in response to users' real-time behavior. Master your email marketing strategy with the Pushwoosh customer data platform and email marketing tool.

Behavior-Based Email Marketing Tool

higher conversion
for omnichannel campaigns
higher conversion
for triggered emails
higher CTR
for triggered emails

Drive your success metrics with one solution

Create & Automate

Visual block-based editor with templates

Create email templates by dragging and dropping pre-designed content blocks into a visual editor. Using our email marketing tool, you can produce professional-looking emails without any coding or design skills.
Templates of any complexity
Mobile-friendly emails
Custom HTML upload
Pushwoosh pricing plan
Pushwoosh Customer Journey Builder

Intuitive tool for omnichannel email marketing

Pushwoosh Customer Journey Builder makes your campaign planning intuitive and straightforward. Right after the SDK integration, you can start defining events for triggered messaging and setting tags for segmentation based on user behavior and profiles.
Combine email campaigns with other mobile (push notifications, in-apps) and web channels
Power up granular personalization with real-time data
Pushwoosh integration and onboarding
Email unsubscribe rate
Clicks per links
Open rate by date
Conversion tracking

Implement analytics

Customer Engagement Platform for Mobility & Delivery
Dynamic content
Multilanguage emails
Set tags for user recognition
Behavior-based segmentation

Level up personalization

Messaging Solution for Mobility & Delivery
Triggered emails
Scheduled email campaigns
A/B/n tests
Reachability/Open check
Record-high deliverability
Unlimited number of contacts
Send emails via SDK or API
Register new users via API

Leverage automation

Mobile Growth Marketing Platform for Mobility & Delivery

Reach your audience

We send emails for

Yup, and it works great!

Push the limits of email marketing — discover Pushwoosh on a live demo